
musiclab records (LC 02218)

musiclab rec. offers the following services to you with more than 25 years of experience:
arrow Distribution to internet providers (like iTunes, Amazon, YouTube and hundreds shops more)
arrow Contentprovider
arrow Payment completion for Gema and GVL
arrow LC number and IFPI code
arrow Audio processing
  arrow Mastering with professionals like Carlos Perón at Liquid Gold Mastering with with state of the art analog mastering outboard
  arrow Audio editing
  arrow Audio restoration
  arrow Audio rerecording (analog/digital or digital/digital)
arrowAudio Consulting
  arrow Audiologos
  arrow Sound design
  arrow Sound Consulting
  arrow Soundtracks and background music and ........
Member of GVL, IFPI, GEMA

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© 1985-2024 by Lars Johna
last update: 22.12.2024